Software Engineering Data Science and Scientists?

The movie Moneyball shows the example of how we can look at the data to make better decisions. Baseball is just one area where it can be applied. Software Engineering is another.

I came across the following statements related to “Data Science” topic which (although interdisciplinary in its nature) becomes a buzzword (I believe in Software Engineering too):

“The sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians… The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill.” (Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist interviewed in the McKinsey Quarterly)

Data Science is a valuable rebranding of computer science and applied statistics skills” ()

Data science is clearly a blend of the hackers’ arts…; statistics and machine learning…; and the expertise in mathematics and the domain of the data for the analysis to be interpretable… It requires creative decisions and open-mindedness in a scientific context.” (Hilary Mason and Chris Wiggins in  Taxonomy of Data Science)

…data scientist: those who use both data and science to create something new.”  (DJ Patil in Building data science teams)

Professor Norman Fenton and Dr Guenther Ruhe joined the Editorial Board of EISEJ

Two renowned researchers joined the Editorial Board of e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal (EISEJ) this week:

1) Professor Norman Fenton

Professor Head, Computer Science RADAR (Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis) Group Computer Science Department Faculty of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

2) Dr Guenther Ruhe

An Industrial Research Chair in Software Engineering at University of Calgary

Founded application focused (Android and SAP Business By Design) PhD theses

I received a request from my colleague (Professor) to recommend two young graduates who are interested in application focused (Android and SAP Business By Design) PhD theses funded for two years by a private sponsor from Switzerland.

As it should be my recommendation, I am ready to recommend only persons who I know personally.


Information for TDD workshop attendee

Welcome TDD workshop attendee!

This Tuesday you are going to participate in a workshop inspired by CodeRetreat format ( ).

Before the workshop, please prepare yourself by following those steps:

Our discussion will be based on knowledge you gain by reading the article. By implementing GoL beforehand, you will familiarize yourself with a problem, which will allow us to make best use of our short time available during a workshop.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Dziemidowicz