TDD Book

link to the book cover

Author: Lech Madeyski,

Title: “Test-Driven Development – An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice”, Springer 2010.

Foreword by Prof. Claes Wohlin.

BiBTeX: Madeyski10.bib

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Keywords: Empirical Software Engineering, Meta Analysis, Software Measurement, Test-Driven Development, Test-First Programming, Extreme Programming, Agile Methodologies.

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1) Excerpt from the Foreword (as well as from the cover of the book) by Prof. Claes Wohlin; Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden:

“[...] In summary the book provides many valuable insights both to practitioners in terms of the evidence for test-first programming and to researchers in terms of clear illustrations of how new processes, methods and tools can be evaluated using experimentation in software engineering. It is pleasure to recommend this book to practitioners and researchers being interested in agile methods or empirical evaluation or both of them.”

2) The opinion on the cover of the book by Wojciech Biela; Agile Evangelist, Development Head; and ExOrigo:

“This book makes a big step forward in a scientific approach to software engineering in general, and agile practices in particular. I am a practitioner and this is one of the very few books I saw that are in line with my gut feeling and day-to-day experience with Test-Driven Development and code quality. I believe this book will also help stop some of us from blindly practising agile methods as voo-doo rituals and shed some light on the facts behind it.”

3) Excerpt from the review by Bas Vodde on

“[...] If you want to learn how to empirically evaluate a SW design technique, this book is one of the best I’ve read. If you are an experienced TDD-er and are curious about these experiments and TDD research… this book is worth reading too.”

4) Excerpt from the review by Harekrishna Misra in ACM Computing Reviews, January 2011:

“[...] I recommend the book to research scholars who plan to conduct multidisciplinary research in software engineering. It will supplement books on empirical software engineering, providing a holistic view of the principles of validation through research methods. It will also be helpful to students who have an interest in research methods, and organizations engaged in software development, software audits, or consulting services in this sector.”

5) Excerpt from the review by Joel R. Singh on

This work is really geared toward researchers, software architects, and engineering and QA professionals who are looking for relevant metrics to measure the feasibility of the agile implementation at their respective organizations.