Publications by Lech Madeyski
- Lech Madeyski and Szymon Stradowski, “Predicting Test Failures Induced by Software Defects: A Lightweight Alternative to Software Defect Prediction and its Industrial Application”, Journal of Systems and Software, 2025.
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski, “Interpretability/Explainability Applied to Machine Learning Software Defect Prediction: An Industrial Perspective”, IEEE Software. DOI: 10.1109/MS.2024.3505544
- Barbara Kitchenham and Lech Madeyski, “Recommendations for analysing and meta-analysing small sample size software engineering experiments,” Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 29, no. 6, p. 137, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s10664-024-10504-1
- Krzysztof Wnuk, Lech Madeyski, Waleed Abdeen, Sneha Penmetsa and Navya Lingampalli, “An Empirical Analysis of the Usage of Requirements Attributes in Requirements Engineering Research and Practice”. In: Nguyen, N.T., et al. Computational Collective Intelligence. ICCCI 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14811, pp. 29–40, Springer, Cham. 2024. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-70819-0_3 URL:
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski. “Costs and Benefits of Machine Learning Software Defect Prediction: Industrial Case Study”. In Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE Companion ’24), July 15–19, 2024, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2024. DOI: 10. 1145/3663529.3663831 URL: [FSE is the highest-ranked (CORE A*) software engineering conference]
- Fahad Al Debeyan, Lech Madeyski, Tracy Hall, and David Bowes, “The Impact of Hard and Easy Negative Training Data on Vulnerability Prediction Performance”, Journal of Systems and Software, p. 112003, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2024.112003 URL: (preprint available at SSRN:
- Barbara Kitchenham, David Budgen, Lech Madeyski, Sebastian Pizard, “Systematic Review Variants - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly“, Seminar given at Keele University, April 2024.
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski, “Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry in Machine Learning Software Defect Prediction: Thirteen Considerations”, in 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023) Proceedings, pp. 1098-1110, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ASE56229.2023.00026 Preprint: [ASE is the highest-ranked (CORE A*) software engineering conference (in 2023 in Luxemburg with an acceptance rate 20.6%)]
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski, “Can we Knapsack Software Defect Prediction? Nokia 5G Case” in IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, pp. 365–369, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ICSE-Companion58688.2023.00104 (should be available soon from IEEE/ACM) Preprint: [ICSE is the highest-ranked (CORE A*) software engineering conference (in 2023 in Australia)]
- Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, and David Budgen (2023), “SEGRESS: Software Engineering Guidelines for REporting Secondary Studies”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49(3):1273–1298. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3174092 URL: accepted version
- SEGRESS Supplementary Material:
- Flyer:
- Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, and David Budgen (2023), “How should software engineering secondary studies include grey material?”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49(2):872–882. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3165938 URL: accepted version
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski (2023). Industrial applications of software defect prediction using machine learning: A business-driven systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology, 159:107192. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2023.107192 URL: accepted version
- Lech Madeyski and Tomasz Lewowski (2023), “Detecting code smells using industry-relevant data”, Information and Software Technology, 155:107112. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2022.107112 Preprint:
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski (2023), “Machine learning in software defect prediction: A business-driven systematic mapping study”, Information and Software Technology, 155:107128. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2022.107128 Preprint:
- Szymon Stradowski and Lech Madeyski (2023). Exploring the challenges in software testing of the 5G system at Nokia: A survey. Information and Software Technology, 153:107067. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2022.107067 URL:
- Marcin Kawalerowicz and Lech Madeyski (2023), “Continuous build outcome prediction: an experimental evaluation and acceptance modelling”, Applied Intelligence, 53(8):8673–8692. DOI:
- Marcel Jerzyk and Lech Madeyski (2023). Code Smells: A Comprehensive Online Catalog and Taxonomy. In: Kryvinska, N., Greguš, M., Fedushko, S. (eds) Developments in Information and Knowledge Management Systems for Business Applications. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol. 462, p. 543–576, Springer, Cham. URL: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25695-0_24 Preprint:
- Krzysztof Baciejowski, Damian Garbala, Szymon Zmijewski, Lech Madeyski (2023). Are Code Review Smells and Metrics Useful in Pull Request-Level Software Defect Prediction?. In: Kryvinska, N., Greguš, M., Fedushko, S. (eds) Developments in Information and Knowledge Management Systems for Business Applications. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 466. Springer, Cham. DOI: Preprint:
- Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, Giuseppe Scanniello, and Carmine Gravino (2022), “The importance of the correlation in crossover experiments”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48 (8):2802-2813. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2021.3070480 URL: accepted version
- Tomasz Lewowski and Lech Madeyski (2022). How far are we from reproducible research on code smell detection? A systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology, 144:106783. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2021.106783 URL:
- Tomasz Lewowski and Lech Madeyski, Code Smells Detection Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Business-Driven Systematic Review, pp. 285–319. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77916-0_12 Preprint:
- Jarosław Pokropiński, Jakub Gasiorek, Patryk Kramarczyk, and Lech Madeyski, SZZ Unleashed-RA-C: An Improved Implementation of the SZZ Algorithm and Empirical Comparison with Existing Open Source Solutions, pp. 181–199. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77916-0_7 Preprint:
- Bartosz Boczar, Michał Pytka, and Lech Madeyski, Which Static Code Metrics Can Help to Predict Test Case Effectiveness? New Metrics and Their Empirical Evaluation on Projects Assessed for Industrial Relevance, pp. 201–215. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77916-0_8 Preprint:
- Grodzicka, H., Kedziora, M., and Madeyski, L. (2021). Cloud solutions for private permissionless blockchain deployment. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 40(4):880–896. DOI: 10.31577/cai_2021_4_880
- Hanna Grodzicka, Michal Kedziora, and Lech Madeyski. “Security and Scalability in Private Permissionless Blockchain: Problems and Solutions Leading to Creating Consent-as-a-Service (CaaS) Deployment,” in Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence (K. Wojtkiewicz, J. Treur, E. Pimenidis, and M. Maleszka, eds.), (Cham), pp. 278–289, Springer International Publishing, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-88113-9_22 Preprint:
- Aneta Afelt, Aleksander Byrski, Victor Calo, Tyll Krüger, Lech Madeyski, and Wojciech Penczek, “Computer science vs. covid-19,” Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, vol. 69, no. 4, p. e138096, 2021.
- Marcin Kawalerowicz and Lech Madeyski, “Continuous Build Outcome Prediction: A Small-N Experiment in Settings of a Real Software Project” in IEA/AIE 2021. Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. From Theory to Practice (H. Fujita, A. Selamat, J. C.-W. Lin, and M. Ali, eds.), vol. 12799 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Cham), pp. 412–425, Springer International Publishing, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79463-7_35 Preprint:
- Marcin Kawalerowicz and Lech Madeyski, “Jaskier: A Supporting Software Tool for Continuous Build Outcome Prediction Practice” in IEA/AIE 2021. Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. From Theory to Practice (H. Fujita, A. Selamat, J. C.-W. Lin, and M. Ali, eds.), vol. 12799 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Cham), pp. 426–438, Springer International Publishing, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79463-7_36 Preprint:
- Marek Sośnicki and Lech Madeyski, “ASH: A New Tool for Automated and Full-Text Search in Systematic Literature Reviews”, in Computational Science – ICCS 2021 (M. Paszynski, D. Kranzlmüller, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, J. J. Dongarra, and P. M. Sloot, eds.), (Cham), pp. 362-369, Springer International Publishing, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77967-2_30 Draft of the accepted paper:
- Lech Madeyski, Tomasz Lewowski, and Barbara Kitchenham, “OECD Recommendation’s Draft Concerning Access to Research Data from Public Funding: A Review”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, vol. 69, no. 1, 2021. DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.135401 Draft of the accepted paper:
- Lech Madeyski and Tomasz Lewowski, “MLCQ: Industry-relevant code smell data set,” in Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE2020), (New York, NY, USA), ACM, 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3383219.3383264 Paper: Presentation:
- Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, and Pearl Brereton, “Meta-analysis for Families of Experiments in Software Engineering: A Systematic Review and Reproducibility and Validity Assessment”, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 353–401, 2020. Springer. Open Access: or
- Barbara Kitchenham and Lech Madeyski, “Inconsistencies with formulas for the standard error of the standardized mean difference of repeated measures experiments”, Statistics in Medicine, vol. 39, no. 27, pp. 4101–4104, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/sim.8669 Draft:
- Paweł Klimczyk and Lech Madeyski, “Technical Debt Aware Estimations in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study”, e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 61–76, 2020. DOI: 10.37190/e-Inf200102. Open Access:
- Tomasz Lewowski and Lech Madeyski, Creating Evolving Project Data Sets in Software Engineering. In: Jarzabek S., Poniszewska-Marańda A., Madeyski L. (eds) Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 851. Springer, Cham, pp. 1–14. Springer, 2020. DOI: Preprint:, Book: Presentation:
- Paweł Piotrowski and Lech Madeyski, “Software Defect Prediction Using Bad Code Smells: A Systematic Literature Review” in Data-Centric Business and Applications: Towards Software Development (Volume 4) (A. Poniszewska-Marańda, N. Kryvinska, S. Jarząbek, and L. Madeyski, eds.), pp. 77–99, Springer, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34706-2_5 Book: Preprint:
- Hanna Grodzicka, Arkadiusz Ziobrowski, Zofia Łakomiak, Michał Kawa and Lech Madeyski, “Code Smell Prediction Employing Machine Learning Meets Emerging Java Language Constructs”, in Data-Centric Business and Applications: Towards Software Development (Volume 4) (A. Poniszewska-Marańda, N. Kryvinska, S. Jarząbek, and L. Madeyski, eds.), pp. 137–167, Springer, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34706-2_8 Book: Preprint:
- Stan Jarzabek, Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda, and Lech Madeyski, eds., Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering, vol. 851 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2020.
- Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda, Natalia Kryvinska, Stan Jarząbek, and Lech Madeyski, eds., Data-Centric Business and Applications: Towards Software Development (Volume 4), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (LNDECT, volume 40) book series, Springer, 2020.
- Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, and Pearl Brereton, “Problems with Statistical Practice in Human-Centric Software Engineering Experiments,” in Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, EASE ’19, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 134–143, ACM, 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3319008.3319009 URL:
- Lech Madeyski and Marcin Kawalerowicz, Empirical evaluation of continuous test-driven development in industrial settings, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 7643–7655, 2019. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-179369. Open Access: or
- Tomasz Lewowski, Lech Madeyski, Mutants as Patches: Towards a formal approach to Mutation Testing, “Mutants as patches: Towards a formal approach to mutation testing,” Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 379–405, 2019. DOI: 10.2478/fcds-2019-0019 Open Access:
- Lech Madeyski and Barbara Kitchenham, “Effect Sizes and their Variance for AB/BA Crossover Design Studies”, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 23, no.4, p. 1982-2017, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10664-017-9574-5 URL:
- This paper was invited to be presented by me at the highest ranked (CORE-2017 A*) International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018) as Journal First paper.
- Lech Madeyski and Barbara Kitchenham, “Effect Sizes and their Variance for AB/BA Crossover Design Studies”, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), p.420. Extended Abstract, ICSE’18 Proceedings Paper
- Lech Madeyski, Barbara Kitchenham and Krzysztof Wnuk, “Introduction to the special section on Enhancing Credibility of Empirical Software Engineering”, Information and Software Technology, vol. 99, pp.118-119, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2018.04.002 URL:
- Lech Madeyski and Miroslaw Ochodek, “Introduction to the special issue on software engineering methods, tools and products improvement and evaluation,” Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 247–250, 2018. URL:
- Jarosław Hryszko and Lech Madeyski, “Cost Effectiveness of Software Defect Prediction in an Industrial Project”, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 7–35, 2018. DOI: 10.1515/fcds-2018-0002
Open Access: URL:
- Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski and Francois Curtin, “Corrections to effect size variances for continuous outcomes of cross-over clinical trials“, Statistics in Medicine, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 320–323, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/sim.7379
- “Layman’s abstract“: The paper makes corrections to the formulas presented in the 2002 Statistics in Medicine article by Curtin et al. (Curtin F, Altman DG, Elbourne D. Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. I: Continuous outcomes. Statistics in Medicine 2002; 21:2132–2144, doi:10.1002/sim.1205) for the variances of standardized weighted mean difference of an AB/BA cross-over trial. The authors propose an alternative formulation of the standardized effect size for individual difference effects that is comparable with the standardized effect size commonly used for pretest/posttest studies. The authors then correct the small sample size and moderate sample size variances reported by Curtin et al. for both the individual difference effect size and the standardized effect size comparable to independent groups trials, showing the derivation of the formulas from the variance of a t-variable. Using these results, researchers can now correctly calculate standardized effect size variances, allowing the calculation of confidence intervals for AB/BA cross-over trials, which in turn provide a direct link to null hypothesis testing and support meta-analysis. Meta-analysts can now validly aggregate together results from independent groups, pretest/posttest and AB/BA cross-over trials. Last but not least, the contributions presented in this paper allow corrections of previously reported results.
- Lech Madeyski and Marcin Kawalerowicz, “Continuous Test-Driven Development: A Preliminary Empirical Evaluation Using Agile Experimentation in Industrial Settings”, in Towards a Synergistic Combination of Research and Practice in Software Engineering, vol. 733 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp. 105– 118, Springer, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65208-5_8 URL:
- Lech Madeyski and Marcin Kawalerowicz, “Continuous Defect Prediction: The Idea and a Related Dataset”, 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) May 20-21, 2017. Buenos Aires, Argentina., pp. 515–518, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/MSR.2017.46 Download from ACM:
- Barbara A. Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, David Budgen, Jacky Keung, Pearl Brereton, Stuart Charters, Shirley Gibbs, and Amnart Pohthong, “Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering,” Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 22, no.2, p. 579-630, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10664-016-9437-5. URL: or or e-Offprint:
- Lech Madeyski and Barbara Kitchenham, “Would wider adoption of reproducible research be beneficial for empirical software engineering research?”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, pp. 1509-1521, 2017. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-169146, Preprint URL:
- Quang Vu Nguyen and Lech Madeyski, “Addressing mutation testing problems by applying multi-objective optimization algorithms and higher order mutation”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, pp. 1173-1182, 2017. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-169117,Preprint URL:
- Lech Madeyski and Marcin Kawalerowicz, “Software Engineering Needs Agile Experimentation: A New Practice and Supporting Tool,” in Software Engineering: Challenges and Solutions (L. Madeyski, M. Śmiałek, B. Hnatkowska, and Z. Huzar, eds.), vol. 504 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 149– 162, Springer, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43606-7_11 Draft:
- Jarosław Hryszko and Lech Madeyski, “Assessment of the Software Defect Prediction Cost Effectiveness in an Industrial Project,” in Software Engineering: Challenges and Solutions (L. Madeyski, M. Śmiałek, B. Hnatkowska, and Z. Huzar, eds.), vol. 504 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 77– 90, Springer, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43606-7_6 Draft:
- Marek Majchrzak and Lech Madeyski, “Factors influencing user story estimations: An industrial interview and a conceptual model”, Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economic, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 261-280, 2016. URL: Draft:
- Barbara A. Kitchenham and Lech Madeyski, “Meta-Analysis”.In:Evidence-BasedSoftware Engineering and Systematic Reviews. Ed. by Barbara Kitchenham, David Budgen, and Pearl Brereton. CRC Press, 2016. Chap. 11, pp. 133–154. ISBN: 9781482228656
- Agnieszka Patalas, Wojciech Cichowski, Michał Malinka, Wojciech Stępniak, Piotr Maćkowiak, and Lech Madeyski, “Software Metrics in Boa Large-Scale Software Mining Infrastructure: Challenges and Solutions” in Software Engineering: Improving Practice through Research (B. Hnatkowska and M. Śmiałek, eds.), pp. 131–146, 2016. URL: Repo:
- Tomasz Gawęda, Ewa Nestorowicz, Oskar Wołk, Lech Madeyski and Marek Majchrzak, “How to Improve Linking Between Issues and Commits for the Sake of Software Defect Prediction?” in Software Engineering: Improving Practice through Research (B. Hnatkowska and M. Śmiałek, eds.), pp. 147–162, 2016. URL:
- Jarosław Hryszko, Lech Madeyski, Marta Dąbrowska and Piotr Konopka, “Defect Prediction with Bad Smells in Code” in Software Engineering: Improving Practice through Research (B. Hnatkowska and M. Śmiałek, eds.), pp. 163–176, 2016. URL: Repo:
- Quang Vu Nguyen and Lech Madeyski. “On the Relationship Between the Order of Mutation Testing and the Properties of Generated Higher Order Mutants”. In: Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2016). Ed. by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Bogdan Trawiński, Hamido Fujita, and Tzung-Pei Hong. Vol. 9621. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49381-6_24. Draft:
- Quang Vu Nguyen and Lech Madeyski.“Higher Order Mutation Testing to Drive Development of New Test Cases: An Empirical Comparison of Three Strategies”. In: Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2016). Ed. by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Bogdan Trawiński, Hamido Fujita, and Tzung-Pei Hong. Vol. 9621. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49381-6_23. Draft:
- Dariusz Król, Lech Madeyski, and Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, eds. Recent Developments in Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Vol. 642. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31277-4. URL:
- Quang Vu Nguyen and Lech Madeyski.“Empirical Evaluation of Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms Searching For Higher Order Mutants”. In: Cybernetics and Systems 47.1-2 (2016), pp. 48– 68. DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2016.1128763. Draft: Free eprint:
- Lech Madeyski and Marian Jureczko, “Which Process Metrics Can Significantly Improve Defect Prediction Models? An Empirical Study“, Software Quality Journal, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 393-422, September 2015, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s11219-014-9241-7 or
- Marian Jureczko and Lech Madeyski, “Cross–project defect prediction with respect to code ownership model: An empirical study”, e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 21-35, 2015. DOI: 10.5277/e-Inf150102
- Jarosław Hryszko, Lech Madeyski, “Bottlenecks in Software Defect Prediction Implementation in Industrial Projects”, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 40, pp. 17-33, March 2015, DOI: 10.1515/fcds-2015-0002
- Quang Vu Nguyen, Lech Madeyski, “Searching for Strongly Subsuming Higher Order Mutants by Applying Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm,” in Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineer- ing (H. A. Le Thi, N. T. Nguyen, and T. V. Do, eds.), vol. 358 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 391–402, Springer International Publishing, 2015. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-17996-4_35, Preprint
- Lech Madeyski, Wojciech Orzeszyna, Richard Torkar, Mariusz Józala, “Overcoming the Equivalent Mutant Problem: A Systematic Literature Review and a Comparative Experiment of Second Order Mutation”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40 (1), pp. 23-42, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2013.44 (TSE is the highest ranked, flagship software engineering journal, IF12=2.588 / 5-year IF12=3.371).
Published Final TSE Paper (DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2013.44)
Corrected report in PDF (PRE I32/2013/P-012):
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) protocol in PDF:
- Lech Madeyski and Marek Majchrzak, “Software Measurement and Defect Prediction with DePress Extensible Framework,” Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 39, pp. 249–270, December 2014. DOI: 10.2478/fcds-2014-0014
- Quang Vu Nguyen, Lech Madeyski, “Problems of mutation testing and higher order mutation testing,” in Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering (T. Do, H. A. L. Thi, and N. T. Nguyen, eds.), vol. 282 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 157–172, Springer International Publishing, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06569-4_12 BibTeX Paper in PDF (preprint)
- Jakub Jurkiewicz, Piotr Kosiuczenko, Lech Madeyski, Mirosław Ochodek, Cezary Orłowski, Łukasz Radliński. “Recent Polish achievements in Software Engineering.” In Software Engineering from Research and Practice Perspectives (Eds. Lech Madeyski, M. Ochodek), pp. 15‐38, Scientific Papers of The Polish Information Processing Society Scientific Council, ISBN 978‐83‐63919‐16‐0, 2014.
- Lech Madeyski and Mirosław Ochodek, eds., Software Engineering from Research and Practice Perspectives. pp.1-200, ISBN: 978-83-63919-16-0, Nakom, 2014.
- Lech Madeyski and Mirosław Ochodek, eds., Inżynieria oprogramowania: Badania i praktyka. pp. 1-217, ISBN: 978-83-63919-15-3, Nakom, 2014.
- Lech Madeyski, Marcin Kawalerowicz, “Continuous Test-Driven Development — A Novel Agile Software Development Practice and Supporting Tool”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE’2013), p.260–267. PDF:
- Lech Madeyski, Invited speach “Mutation Testing – selected issues” at KKIO’2013 (“Philadelphian Session” chaired by Prof. Jerzy Nawrocki and Prof. Zbigniew Huzar, Sep 20, 2013).
- Our summary slides on Judy mutation testing tool for Java displayed at Mutation’2013 conference by Yue Jia.
Google Scholar 2012, Nov 30
- Marian Jureczko, Lech Madeyski, “A review of process metrics in defect prediction studies”, Metody Informatyki Stosowanej, Volume 30, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 133-145, 2011 (ISSN 1898-5297). PDF:
- Marian Jureczko, Lech Madeyski, “Software product metrics used to build defect prediction models“, Report SPR 2/2014, Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wroclaw University of Technology, URL:
- Lech Madeyski, “Test-Driven Development – An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice”, Springer 2010. Foreword by Prof. Claes Wohlin. Links:
- BibTeX
- Springer
- Front Matter
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- Flyer
- Keywords: Empirical Software Engineering, Meta Analysis, Software Measurement, Test-Driven Development, Test-First Programming, Extreme Programming, Agile Methodologies
- You may order this book
- Lech Madeyski, Norbert Radyk, “Judy – A Mutation Testing Tool for Java”, IET Software, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 32 – 42, 2010. DOI
- – latest version of Judy 2.x mutation testing tool for Java is available!
- Judy download
– Judy 0.1 is available for academic purposes!
- Judy User Guide
- Lech Madeyski, “The impact of test-first programming on branch coverage and mutation score indicator of unit tests: An experiment”, Information and Software Technology, Volume 52, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 169-184, Elsevier. DOI
- Marian Jureczko, Lech Madeyski, Towards identifying software project clusters with regard to defect prediction, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Predictor Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE’2010), ACM Digital Library, 2010. DOI
BibTeX, PROMISE’2010 Programme
- Marian Jureczko, Lech Madeyski, Inżynieria Oprogramowania w Procesach Integracji Systemów Informatycznych, Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności, 2010, ch. “Predykcja defektów na podstawie metryk oprogramowania – identyfikacja klas projektów”.
- Lech Madeyski, “Impact of pair programming on thoroughness and fault detection effectiveness of unit test suites”, Software Process: Improvement and Practice, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 281 – 295, May/June 2008, Wiley, Online ISSN: 1099-1670, Print ISSN: 1077-4866. BibTeX, DOI
- Tomas Hruska, Lech Madeyski, and Miroslaw Ochodek, Eds., Software Engineering Techniques in Progress, Wroclaw, Poland. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2008.
- Lech Madeyski and Wojciech Biela, “Capable Leader and Skilled and Motivated Team Practices to Introduce eXtreme Programming” in Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software Development, , ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, B. Meyer, J.R. Nawrocki, and B. Walter, Eds., LNCS 5082. Springer, 2008, pp.96-102 DOI
CEE-SET’2007 Photos
- Lech Madeyski and Łukasz Szała, “Impact of aspect-oriented programming on software development efficiency and design quality: an empirical study”, IET Software Journal, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 180–187, 2007. DOI
- Lech Madeyski and Zbigniew Huzar, “External Code Quality Model and Cross-Validation of the Model” TR I31/2007/P-003.
- Lech Madeyski, Miroslaw Ochodek, Dawid Weiss, and Jaroslav Zendulka, Eds., Software Engineering in Progress, Poznan, Poland. Nakom, 2007.
- Lech Madeyski, Łukasz Szała, “The Impact of Test-Driven Development on Software Development Productivity – An Empirical Study” in Software Process Improvement, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Abrahamsson, N. Baddoo, T. Margaria, R. Messnarz, Eds., LNCS 4764. Springer, 2007, pp.200-211 DOI
EuroSPI’2007 Photos
- ENASE’2007 – invited speach (others invited speakers ofENASE’2007 Advocatus Diaboli Forum
: Mehmet Aksit, and Stefan Kirn) ENASE’2007 Photos
- Lech Madeyski, “On the Effects of Pair Programming on Thoroughness and Fault-Finding Effectiveness of Unit Tests” in Product Focused Software Process Improvement, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Münch and P. Abrahamsson, Eds., LNCS 4589. Springer, 2007, pp.207-221 DOI
Best paper – invited to be extended for a journal publication
Best Paper Award at PROFES’2007
, Abstract
, Springer LNCS
, PROFES’2007 Photos
- Lech Madeyski, Wojciech Biela, “Empirical Evidence Principle and Joint Engagement Practice to Introduce XP” in Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, G. Concas, E. Damiani, G. Paddeu, M. Scotto, and G. Succi, Eds., LNCS 4536. Springer, 2007, pp. 141-144 DOI
, Springer LNCS
, XP’2007 Photos
- Zbigniew Huzar, Lech Madeyski, “Empirical Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering”, e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 2007, vol.1, no.1
, pp. 7-8.
- Lech Madeyski, Wojciech Biela, “Advocatus Diaboli Walk Through eXtreme Programming” – invited speach (other invited speakers ofENASE’2006 Advocatus Diaboli Forum
: Mehmet Aksit, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Ulrich Eisenecker, Giuseppe Berio).
- Lech Madeyski, “Is External Code Quality correlated with Programming Experience or Feelgood Factor?” in Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Abrahamsson, M. Marchesi, and G. Succi, Eds., LNCS 4044. Springer, 2006, pp. 65–74. DOI
Springer LNCSMadeyski06b.BibTeX
XP’2006 Program
XP’2006 Photos(e.g. face to face with Kent Beck
, Barry Boehm
,Kent Beck & Barry Boehm
- Lech Madeyski, “The Impact of Pair Programming and Test-Driven Development on Package Dependencies in Object-Oriented Design — An Experiment” in Product Focused Software Process Improvement, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Münch and M. Vierimaa, Eds., LNCS 4034. Springer, 2006, pp. 278–289. DOI
Springer LNCSMadeyski06.BibTeX
PROFES’2006 Photos
- Lech Madeyski: “Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of Pair Programming and Test-Driven Development on the External Code Quality” in Software Engineering: Evolution and Emerging Technologies, Edited by: K. Zieliński and T. Szmuc. Vol. 130 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, pp. 113–123, 2005 .Madeyski05b.BibTeX
book from IOS Press
- Lech Madeyski, Michał Stochmiałek: Architectural design of modern web applications, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Journal, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 49-60, 2005 [refereed journal paper] [ XWA – eXtensible Web Architecture in details ]
- Madeyski Lech, Karwaczyński Piotr: Działania projakościowe w procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania (Pro-quality activities in software development process), W: Nowoczesne Technologie Informacyjne w Zarządzaniu (Advanced Information Technologies for Management), Red. E. Niedzielska, H. Dudycz, M. Dyczkowski, Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, ISSN 0324-8445; Nr 1044, Wroclaw, 2004, 389-397. [refereed paper]
- Madeyski Lech, Kruczkiewicz Marcin: Rozszerzalny obiektowy model projektu informatycznego (eXtensible project object model), W: Nowoczesne Technologie Informacyjne w Zarządzaniu (Advanced Information Technologies for Management), Red. E. Niedzielska, H. Dudycz, M. Dyczkowski, Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, ISSN 0324-8445; Nr 1044, Wroclaw, 2004, 398-407. [refereed paper]
- Mielcarek Przemysław, Parczewski Marcin, Madeyski Lech: E-learning – analiza celów i możliwości ich realizacji na podstawie istniejących specyfikacji i standardów (E-learning – analysis of goals and their realization based on existing specifications and standards),W: Nowoczesne Technologie Informacyjne w Zarządzaniu (Advanced Information Technologies for Management), Red. E. Niedzielska, H. Dudycz, M. Dyczkowski, Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, ISSN 0324-8445; Nr 1044, Wroclaw, 2004, 548-556. [refereed paper]
- Madeyski Lech, Stochmiałek Michał: Architektura nowoczesnych aplikacji internetowych (Architecture of modern web applications) W: Inżynieria oprogramowania po roku 2004: nowe wyzwania. Red. Jerzy Górski. [Warszawa]: WNT 2004. ISBN 83-204-3051-8 [book chapter]
- Madeyski Lech, Adam Mrozowski, Sebastian Gil: Komunikacja w czasie rzeczywistym w sieci Internet W: Współczesne problemy systemów czasu rzeczywistego. Red. Andrzej Kwiecień i Piot Gaj. [Warszawa]: WNT 2004. ISBN 83-204-3023-2. [book chapter]
- Madeyski Lech, Mazur Paweł: Nowoczesne Aplikacje Internetowe (Modern internet applications), Telenet Forum, 5, 2003, 14-17 (in Polish).
- Madeyski Lech: XML w bazach danych. Prace Naukowe Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Bazy Danych 2003 z. 4 s. 81-89. [refereed paper]
- Madeyski Lech, Kubasiak Marcin., Zwinna Specyfikacja Wymagań (Agile Requirements Specification), W: Problemy i metody inżynierii oprogramowania (Problems and Methods of Software Engineering). Red. Z. Huzar, Z. Mazur, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw, 2003, 53-68. [book chapter]
- Madeyski Lech: Nowe koncepcje tworzenia aplikacji internetowych na przykładzie portalu E-INFORMATYKA.PL (New ideas of web applications’ development on example of E-INFORMATYKA.PL portal, W: Nowoczesne Technologie Informacyjne w Zarządzaniu (Advanced Information Technologies for Management), Red. E. Niedzielska, H. Dudycz, M. Dyczkowski, Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, ISSN 0324-8445; Nr 955, ISSN 0324-8445, Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, 2002, 425-437. [refereed paper]
- Madeyski Lech: XML w bazach danych. Raporty Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej 2002 Ser. PRE nr 6, 9 s. Z09/02/P-006.
- Madeyski Lech: Prognozy technologiczne w dziedzinie Internetu. Raporty Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej 2001 Ser. PRE nr 7, 10 s. Referat wygłoszony na konferencji Prognozy technologiczne w dziedzinie energetyki, środowiska i internetu. Wrocław, 30 marca 2001 Z09/01/P-008.
- Madeyski Lech: Portale informacyjne na platformie Java. Raporty Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej 2001 Ser. PRE nr 6, 8 s. Z09/01/P-006.
- Madeyski Lech: Portale informacyjne na platformie Java. W: Komunikacja gospodarcza. Studia i materiały. Pod red. Andrzeja Małachowskiego. Wrocław: Wydaw. AE 2001 s. 113-118. [refereed paper]
- Madeyski Lech: The idea J2EE, XML, XSLT and design patterns integration on Internet applications. Koncepcja integracji technologii J2EE, XML, XSLT i wzorów projektowych w aplikacjach internetowych. Raporty Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej 2001 Ser. PRE nr 20, 6 s. Z09/01/P-020.
- Madeyski Lech: Wydajnościowo-niezawodnościowa analiza warstwy szkieletowej sieci komputerowych (prolegomena). Pro Dialog, Nr 10 (2000), Nakom, s. 59-65. [refereed journal paper]
- Madeyski Lech: Metody obliczania niezawodności sieci K-terminali. 131 s. 12 rys. 9 tab. bibliogr. 147 poz. Rozprawa doktorska (09.11.1999) Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Informatyki i Zarządzania, Wrocław. [PhD Thesis]
- Madeyski Lech, Mazur Zygmunt: Pesymistyczna złożoność obliczeniowa algorytmu faktoryzacji Fact. Pro Dialog, Nr 9 (1999), Nakom, s. 41-54. [refereed journal paper]
- Madeyski Lech, Mazur Zygmunt: Zmodyfikowana technika programowania dynamicznego. Pro Dialog, Nr 9 (1999), Nakom, s. 33-40. [refereed journal paper]
- Madeyski Lech: Wyznaczanie pesymistycznej złożoności obliczeniowej algorytmu faktoryzacji Fact. Raporty Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej 1999 Ser. PRE nr 3, 15 s. Z09/99/P-003.
- Madeyski Lech, Mazur Zygmunt: Nowa technika programowania dynamicznego. Raporty Wydziałowego Zakładu Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej 1998 Ser. PRE nr 5, 9 s. Z09/98/P-005.
- Madeyski Lech, Mazur Zygmunt: Wykrywanie równoważnych podproblemów w algorytmie faktoryzacji do obliczania niezawodności K-terminali. W: Systemy informatyczne. [Cz.] 1. Materiały dydaktyczno-naukowe. Częstochowa: 1998 s. 73-81
- Madeyski Lech, Mazur Zygmunt: Nowy algorytm do szybkiego obliczania niezawodności sieci. Zag. Ekspl. Masz. 1998 vol. 33 z. 3 s. 391-404. [refereed journal paper]
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