
Lech MadeyskiLech Madeyski, PhD, DSc

Associate Professor
Deputy Head for Research
Department of Applied Informatics
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Wyb.Wyspianskiego 27, 50370 Wroclaw, POLAND

Member of the Committee on Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Member of the PresidiumChair of the Software Engineering Section) / Członek Komitetu Informatyki PAN (Członek Prezydium KI PANPrzewodniczący Sekcji Inżynierii Oprogramowania)

Web site on seminars of the Software Engineering Section of the Committee on Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Home page: http://madeyski.e-informatyka.pl/
E-mail: Lech Madeyski email

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About me


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  • DSc (habilitation) by unanimous vote from Wroclaw University of Technology in 2011
  • PhD with honours from Wroclaw University of Technology in 1999

Memberships in Professional Organizations:

  • 2017-present IEEE Senior Member
  • 2011-present Member of the IEEE
  • 2005–present Member of the ACM
  • 2004–present Member of the IEEE Computer Society
  • 1997–present Member of the PIPS (Polish Information Processing Society)
    • 2011-present – Member of the Scientific Committee
    • 2002–2008 – Member of the Board
    • 1999–present – Member of the board of the Lower Silesian Branch
    • 2001–present – Expert of the PIPS, licence no. 35
  • 2004–present Academic Tutor of the Software Engineering Society (http://www.e-informatyka.pl/sens/)

Honors and Awards:

  • 2016 The Silver Cross of Merit (Polish: Srebrny Krzyż Zasługi) conferred by the President of Poland
  • 2016 Elsevier’s Information and Software Technology (IST) Journal Reviewer Award for Exceptional Contribution to the Quality of the Journal when Serving as Reviewer from 2014 to 2015 given by Prof Guenther Ruhe (Editor in Chief) and Dr Gaia Lupo (Publisher).
  • 2015 Who’s Who in the World®, 2014 (31th) Edition
  • 2014 The Medal of XXX-years of the Polish Information Processing Society for a distinguished activity in dissemination of science (Medal XXX-lecia Polskiego Towarzystwa Informatycznego za wyróżniającą  się działalność upowszechniającą naukę), Dec 13, 2014
  • 2014 Who’s Who in the World®, 2014 (31th) Edition
  • 2013 Who’s Who in the World®, 2013 (30th) Edition
  • 2012 Medal for Long Service (Bronze – 10 years) by the President of Poland
  • 2012 Who’s Who in the World®, 2012 (29th) Edition
  • 2011 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering®, 2011-2012 (11th) Edition
  • 2011 Who’s Who in the World®, 2011 (28th) Edition
  • 2010 Who’s Who in the World®, 2010 (27th) Edition
  • 2009 Wroclaw University of Technology Rector Award
  • 2009 Who’s Who in the World®, 2009 (26th) Edition
  • 2008 Wroclaw University of Technology Rector Award
  • 2007 The best paper award at PROFES’2007 (8th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement)
  • 2006-2007 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering®, 2006-2007 (9th) Edition
  • 2002 Wroclaw University of Technology Rector Award
  • 2000 Wroclaw University of Technology Rector Award
  • 1987 Laureate of the Young Masters of Technique Tournament

Research areas:

  • Experimentation in Software Engineering: new methodologies (incl. agile methodologies e.g. eXtreme Programming, Kanban, Scrumban), practices (e.g. Test-Driven Development, Continuous-Test-Driven Development) and tools (e.g. Judy mutation testing tool for Java) in software engineering and their empirical evaluation by means of experiments, case studies and then statistical analyses and meta-analyses using R, SPSS, Statistica.
  • Data mining and machine learning in software engineering (e.g. software defect,  size, effort prediction models).
  • Software metrics, models and quality i.e. production code as well as test code quality (e.g. by means of mutation testing technique and Judy mutation testing tool).
  • Software process and products improvement.
  • Search-based software engineering

Research projects:

  • Mutation testing:
    • Judy mutation testing tool for Java to measure fault-finding effectiveness of programmer tests
    • Higher order mutation testing
    • Equivalent mutants problem
  • Continuous Test-Driven Development:
    • with tests evaluation
    • with tests generation
  • Software defect prediction models:
    • novel code change metrics
    • behavioral metrics in Eclipse IDE
    • novel defect prediction models
    • predicting top crashes

Recommended resources

Top Software Engineering Journals (e.g. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, Information and Software Technology) and conferences (e.g. ICSE, ESEM, PROMISE, MSR, PROFES, XP, ENASE).

Defect/crash prediction models

  1. Software evolution and defect prediction in EclipseEclipse Bug Data  Eclipse Burst Data: paper, dataset, ZIP (1216MB), LZMA format (389 MB)
  2. Firefox and Thunderbird Crashes: Which Crashes Should I Fix First?: Predicting Top Crashes at an Early Stage to Prioritize Debugging Efforts  Dataset
  3. Comparison of Bug Prediction Approaches: An Extensive Comparison of Bug Prediction Approaches Evaluating defect prediction approaches: a benchmark and an extensive comparison Dataset
  4. Marian Jureczko, Lech Madeyski, Towards identifying software project clusters with regard to defect prediction, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Predictor Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE’2010), ACM Digital Library, 2010. DOI link to the paper PROMISE’2010 Programme
  5. Marian Jureczko, Lech Madeyski, Inżynieria Oprogramowania w Procesach Integracji Systemów Informatycznych, Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności, 2010, ch. “Predykcja defektów na podstawie metryk oprogramowania – identyfikacja klas projektów”. link to the paper

Mutation testing

  1. Jue Jia and Mark Harman, An Analysis and Survey of the Development of Mutation Testing.
  2. Lech Madeyski, Norbert Radyk, “Judy – A Mutation Testing Tool for Java”, IET Software, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 32 – 42. DOI link to the paperMutationTest.com – latest version of Judy 2.x mutation testing tool for Java is available! Judy download – Judy 0.1 is available for academic purposes!  Judy User Guide

Test-Driven Development

  1. Many excellent books on Amazon, research papers on XP, Agile conferences
  2. Lech Madeyski, “Test-Driven Development – An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice”, Springer 2010. Foreword by Prof. Claes Wohlin.  Springer, Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk
  3. Lech Madeyski, “The impact of test-first programming on branch coverage and mutation score indicator of unit tests: An experiment”, Information and Software Technology, Volume 52, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 169-184, Elsevier. DOI link to the paper
  4. Lech Madeyski, Marcin Kawalerowicz, “Continuous Test-Driven Development: A Novel Agile Software Development Practice and Supporting Tool”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE’2013) – accepted. PDF: link to the paper

 Search-Based Software Engineering

  1. Mark Harman, Phil McMinn, Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza, and Shin Yo, “Search Based Software Engineering: Techniques, Taxonomy, Tutorial” link to the paper


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