The paper entitled “Overcoming the Equivalent Mutant Problem: A Systematic Literature Review and a Comparative Experiment of Second Order Mutation” by Lech Madeyski, Wojciech Orzeszyna, Richard Torkar, and Mariusz Józala is now available from the publisher (DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2013.44).
My paper in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
A new paper entitled “Overcoming the Equivalent Mutant Problem: A Systematic Literature Review and a Comparative Experiment of Second Order Mutation” by Lech Madeyski, Wojciech Orzeszyna, Richard Torkar, and Mariusz Józala has been accepted as a regular paper in an upcoming issue of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).
TSE is ranked the highest within ISI Software Engineering journals in terms of impact factor, so I am happy.
A preprint PDF (22 pages) as well as an appendix to the paper (including statistical analyses) and a protocol for a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of methods dealing with the Equivalent Mutant Problem are available here.
Here is the abstract:
“Context. The equivalent mutant problem (EMP) is one of the crucial problems in mutation testing widely studied over decades.
Objectives. The objectives are: to present a systematic literature review (SLR) in the field of EMP; to identify, classify and improve the existing, or implement new, methods which try to overcome EMP and evaluate them.
Method. We performed SLR based on the search of digital libraries. We implemented four second order mutation (SOM) strategies, in addition to first order mutation (FOM), and compared them from different perspectives.
Results. Our SLR identified 17 relevant techniques (in 22 articles) and three categories of techniques: detecting (DEM); suggesting (SEM); and avoiding equivalent mutant generation (AEMG). The experiment indicated that SOM in general and JudyDiffOp strategy in particular provide the best results in the following areas: total number of mutants generated; the association between the type of mutation strategy and whether the generated mutants were equivalent or not; the number of not killed mutants; mutation testing time; time needed for manual classification.
Conclusions. The results in the DEM category are still far from perfect. Thus, the SEM and AEMG categories have been developed. The JudyDiffOp algorithm achieved good results in many areas.”
A graphical abstract / teaser is here:
A new logo of Judy – mutation testing tool for Java
A logo of Judy (our mutation testing tool for Java) was unveiled in tool demo presentation at Mutation’2013 conference.
PhD student positions in Software Engineering (in Sweden)
My colleague (Professor) is looking for four new PhD (post-graduate) students in Software Engineering in Sweden. I am ready to recommend only persons who I know personally.
Btw. There is also an open call for PhD candidates in Software Engineering at Wroclaw University of Technology.
Continuous Test-Driven Development — A Novel Agile Software Development Practice and Supporting Tool
Continuous testing is a technique in modern software development in which the source code is constantly unit tested in the background and there is no need for the developer to perform the tests manually. We propose an extension to this technique that combines it with well-established software engineering practice called Test-Driven Development (TDD). In our practice, that we called Continuous Test-Driven Development (CTDD), software developer writes the tests first and is not forced to perform them manually. We hope to reduce the time waste resulting from manual test execution in highly test driven development scenario. In this article we describe the CTDD practice and the tool that we intend to use to support and evaluate the CTDD practice in a real world software development project.
Download paper to be presented at the ENASE’2013 conference as PDF file.
Carlo Ghezzi (Professor of Software Engineering) joined the Editorial Board of e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
It is a great pleasure that Carlo Ghezzi (Professor of Software Engineering) accepted my invitation and joined the Editorial Board of e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal.
Professor Carlo Ghezzi is a regular member of the program committee of important conferences in the software engineering field (e.g. the ICSE and ESEC/FSE), for which he also served as Program and General Chair. He has given keynotes at several international conferences, including ESEC/FSE and ICSE. He has been the Editor in Chief of the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (from 2001 till 2006). He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Science of Computer Programming, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, and Computing.
He co-authored over 180 papers and 8 books. He coordinated several national and international (EU funded) research projects and he has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council.
Coding Dojo at Wroclaw University of Technology – Roman Numerals Kata as sample Eclipse projects
Please find attached Roman Numerals Kata from our Coding Dojo as sample Eclipse projects:
A message to students (in Polish)
Grzegorz (Greg) Dziemidowicz has sent you a message.
Subject: Wiadomosc dla studentow
Widze, ze w tym semestrze znow prowadzi Pan kursy o tematyce Agile 🙂 Pomyslalem, ze moze bedzie Pan w stanie mi pomoc dotrzec do studentow.
Od jakiegos czasu chodzi mi po glowie jak zachecic wiecej studentow do udzialu w konferencjach organizowanych przez Trifork (QCon, GOTO) – uwazam, ze jest to wartosciowe doswiadczenie i ze za malo osob z niego korzysta (przez ostatnie 3 lata jak jezdzilem na QCon, nie jestem pewien czy byla chociaz jedna osoba z Wroclawia..)
Jako pierwszy krok by zachecic wiecej osob do udzialu opisalem “jak i dlaczego pojechac” na blogu:
Jesli udalo mi sie Pana przekonac, ze warto z ta informacja dotrzec do studentow, moze moglby Pan:
* wspomniec o mozliwosci wyjazdu i o moim poscie na wykladzie
* skontaktowac sie z reprezentatywna osoba wsrod studentow i poprosic o przekazanie informacji na forum
* umiescic informacje na e-informatyka
Pozdrawienia z Australii,
Ps. Doktoranci rowniez moga pojechac jako wolontariusze!
Coding Dojo at Wroclaw University of Technology
I am going to organize a Coding Dojo meeting at Wroclaw University of Technology (April 14, 2013) as an activity of the SEnS (Software Engineering Society) scientific circle (I am responsible of). I invited Michal Olejnik (Axit) who is going to share his industrial experience in Test-Driven Development, Baby-Steps and of course Coding Dojo.
Students are expected to read the following pages:
Coding Dojo will be carried out in a Randori style.
I invite all of the members of the SEnS scientific circle as well as all of the students involved in the Agile Software Development course led by me.
A short note
At the request of my awesome teacher (Zyta Zachara) from my technical college (secondary school) I prepared a short bio note.